Monthly Archives: October 2013

Energy Sensations – Update October 24, 2013


12 point

(The picture above is from the website

I had a pretty cool lucid dream this morning.  I was shown that I was in the middle of an illuminated 12 pointed star and the star points were coming out of my body.  I’m thinking that it was the 12 pointed lightbody being activated (as explained by Earthkeeper Tyberonn as the Mer-ka-va).  I changed the picture above to pink and lavender tones because that’s how I saw it in my dream…


crystal skulls

But I was also shown how this 12 pointed star lightbody worked in relation to the “13 crystal skulls”.  I was shown that the skulls would be activated by a person/people, not just by the physical 13 crystal skulls coming together.  The activation was going to be by activating the 12 pointed star lightbody and the person/people being “crystalline” was what would act as the 13th crystal skull activation.  From my understanding, it is“Crystalline” fully merged and integrated with Feminine Christ Consciousness aspect (aka  the 13th disciple) as being the key.  I don’t know, but it seems that was the message…It’s a bit confusing and I’ve been having a hard time putting my visions into words lately.

I understood that NOW or “in this now” this could not be accessed by anyone with the “wrong intentions” (like they show in the Indiana Jones movie – lol) because you must attain crystalline (balanced) status to be aligned with it…and we all know how much Light work that will take!  That’s just my limited interpretation of it, but I’m sure there’s much more involved…(**See video below, from Magenta Pixie, at very bottom of this post for update**)


I woke up from the dream because my tongue was burning with an electrical flickering sensation.  I’ve had a subtle consistent electrical pulse running through my tongue for a couple of months now and it got so strong during this dream that it startled me awake.


When I fell back to sleep after I briefly woke up, I had another dream that I was in a car with my best friend (she’s also going through the Ascension process on a very physical level).  We were driving at night and noticed that the dashboard of the car was not lighting up and I couldn’t see the speedometer.  I completely stopped the car and tried driving again, and the dashboard lit up completely that time.  I wasn’t steering the car with my hands though, I was steering with my mind…and the road was moving and curving into the direction that I wanted to go…like the road was fluid and it could move any way I wanted it to.  It was pretty cool to see the road and the middle lines moving and shifting.  When I woke up, I got the idea that the car was also symbolism for the lightbody.  Maybe there’s a large group going through this level of lightbody activation right now? That seems to be the message I’m getting…

**Quite a while after writing about the lucid dream, on February 22, 2014, I got a newsletter email from Earthkeeper Tyberonn.  In the email, he included a video of the Crystal Skull “Sha Na Ra” that was taken on 12-12-12.  The video shows purple/pinkish energy coming out of the top of the skull just like the colors I saw in my dream…Pretty awesome sync 🙂

Video of Sha Na Ra Crystal Skull:


As I mentioned above, my tongue’s had a pulse of energy running through it on a daily basis.  In the past few days, I’ve also had nerves twitching in various teeth and a strange burning feeling in different places on my teeth, gums and jaw.  I’m assuming it has to do with the energies.  I know El Collie has mentioned feeling like all of her teeth were aching at the same time during her Kundalini experience.  I think it has to do with the energies once they reach your head and upper chakras.  I’ve had a lot of energetic activity on my face, jaw, tongue, upper palate and upper chakras lately.

On Tuesday (October 22nd)  I had one of the worst sinus migraines I’ve had in many years.  I felt like my head was going to explode.  I’m 100% sure that it was my sinuses.  Sometimes when our sinuses get inflamed, it can radiate pain to our teeth since the sinuses sit right on top of the teeth.  It can mimic a full on toothache.  Here’s a picture of a panoramic view x-ray:


The pink area is where the sinuses are…notice how they sit just above the back teeth.  That’s exactly where my teeth were hurting when I had the sinus headache.  I could feel really heavy pressure downloads in the Crown and 3rd eye area and my Crown was swaying throughout the day, so I’m sure that’s why I got the sinus irritation.  It seems to happen when I get the “heavy” downloads as opposed to the “blissful” ones.

I’ve also had multiple nerves twitching like crazy in my thighs and buttock muscles on both legs for a couple of weeks.  They’re twitching so hard that you can see my skin moving and flinching on my thighs.  It’s so bizarre.  What do my thighs and buttock muscles have to do with this process? Maybe it’s due to meridians? I don’t know… I’ve also noticed that the tone I usually hear in my ears now sounds like a hiss sound.  It’s like it’s so high pitched that it no longer registers as a tone.

Crown downloads, migraines, nerves twitching, tongue pulsing, hissing noises…  I can only imagine what I sound like to the average person…LOL


**On August 9, 2014, Magenta Pixie posted a video speaking of the Crystal Skull activation…She speaks of the Crystal Skulls around the 8:20 mark…Pretty awesome sync! 🙂

Love ❤

Clearing The Shadows




I’ve been immersed in a deep stillness for the past few weeks.  It was difficult to put anything into words so I wasn’t able to write anything for quite a while.  This seems to be a new level of peaceful calm that I’ve never experienced before…it’s even difficult to put into words what it feels like.


October 8, 2013

Last night something strange happened…when I was trying to go to sleep, I found that I couldn’t actually fall asleep.  I was in some type of “in between” state of consciousness where I was still aware that I was in my bedroom, but I was also somewhere else…almost like I was expanded everywhere.  I kept slipping out of this consciousness because I was feeling a strong pulling sensation on my solar plexus, but I’d immediately fall back into this in between state.  I kept hearing something moving around in the room with me.  I felt like I was in an extreme state of heightened awareness…almost like I could hear things for miles.

This has happened a few times before, but it usually lasts for many hours, sometimes an entire 8 hours worth of sleep time.  When it’s happened in the past, I felt like I didn’t get any sleep at all.  This time I was able to finally fall asleep and have a dream.  This dream was of me clearing shadows.  It was like there were many shadows that were crossing over and I was supervising them.


I get the feeling that they were agreeing to be transmuted/transcended.  It wasn’t a fight or a struggle, they were actually surrendering because their work was done and their purpose had been served.  It was not about being defeated, it was about being finished with their purpose.


At the end of the dream, I was in the middle of nowhere in a huge desert.  It looked like New Mexico or Arizona.  It was overcast and dark, kind of gloomy like the lower astral realm.

I was witnessing tall black shadow figures walking off of the land of this huge desert.  They were voluntarily leaving so that they could be transmuted.  There were so many of them coming out of the ground and I got the feeling that they had occupied the land for many generations.  They were the creations of some very dark work…but were now free to leave from the cycle they had been stuck in.  They were not fleeing; they were just walking calmly in slow motion, all of them walking toward the same direction.

The word that I got from witnessing these shadows was “Transcendence”.   The cycle they had served for so long had now come to an end.   It was a mutual agreement and the purpose that they had served for so long had now come to an end…It was done very peacefully…no judgment…I just understood that they were playing a role.

I’m not sure what this all means…Was I witnessing my own clearing or was it something on a much larger scale? If it is larger, maybe I’ll read something about it soon (**see links below)…but I do feel like it’s been done on a very large scale and some very deeply rooted darkness has now been liberated…It’s so strange because I also felt (and still feel) such a peaceful calm around me.  I would think that dealing with such darkness would cause maybe some agitation or nervousness (as it has in the past for me), but I didn’t experience anything other than Peace and balance throughout the whole process.  It was actually very beautiful with a touch of sadness…It’s almost like I felt sorry for them…or maybe I was just picking up on the melancholy vibe?

It might sound corny, but I kept hearing the song “The Air That I Breathe” by the Hollies when I woke from the dream…it keeps playing in my head when I think of the dream now.  I can’t help but laugh…it seems silly to me…

The song is here:

I wrote this blog on October 8th, but felt that I shouldn’t post it right away…I needed some time to settle and see how I felt about it over a period of time…What has happened over the last week is that I came to a better understanding of what “roles” are played in this game of illusion.  I’ve come to a deeper understanding of light and dark.  For the first time, I truly understand (feel) that there is no separation.  It’s very difficult to put into words.

I can’t seem to get that feeling of “sadness” or “melancholy” from the shadow figures out of my mind (Heart)…it’s been continuously playing over and over again and the feeling has stayed with me.  The feeling is settling with me, but it’s changing and getting lighter as each day passes. Maybe it’s integrating?  I don’t know… I apologize for not being able to explain it better since it’s a new feeling and experience for me.  The only thing I can say for certain is that I have a whole new respect for the roles that the shadows have played in the illusion.  The masks have been removed and what I see is a familiar face.

It reminds me of the end of the movie “The Game” when Michael Douglas finds out that everything he had been through was just a game…everyone was just playing a role and he was so relieved that everyone was really his friend not his enemy.

Movie scene can be found here:


I’ve reached a whole new level of understanding and it feels very good.  The more layers I work through on the inside, the more veils are lifted on the outside. Awareness and realization on a whole new level… My views of this world and everything in it are rapidly changing at an accelerated pace…a little more every day…I’m starting to remember 😉




**After posting this blog, I found an article from Lisa Renee that she posted on October 28, 2013…all I can say is WOW…she explains everything that I witnessed in my lucid dream…WOW – what a sync !… The article can be found here:

**I also found an article from Sandra Walter posted on October 25th, 2013.  I really resonated with what she wrote and it seems to tie in with what I’ve written.  The article can be found here:


Love ❤

