Monthly Archives: October 2021

Energy Sensations – Update October 19th – 20th, 2021


……..As the bee takes the essence of the flower,

……..and flies away without destroying its beauty and perfume,

……..So let the sage wander in this life

……..~ Gautama Buddha ~


<> October 19, 2021 <>

I had to leave the Grand Canyon a little earlier than I had planned.  I ended up hurting my right knee (only from kneeling on it).  It swelled up pretty bad with a golf ball sized knot and I was unable to do my job without causing more injury.  I was sad to have to leave, but I had full faith that there was something else that I needed to do.

So I’ve been bouncing around once again, from place to place.  It has not been a pleasant experience and I have experienced a lot of closure and cord cutting as a result. Mainly with people who were just using me (money oriented, greed) and basically not out for my best interest.  I’m currently in Prescott, Arizona, but I will be leaving soon.  Through many synchronicities, I found a seasonal job in Taos, New Mexico. I’m really excited about it, because I’ve never been there and have always wanted to explore Taos and Santa Fe.  So now I have my chance to do that.  The seasonal job provides housing at no cost, so I’ll also be able to save a lot more money. Yayyyyy!!! 🙂

I’m staying in a new friend’s home for these last few days while in Prescott.  They’re out of town, so I’m here alone.  I just got here yesterday and my first night sleeping here was really strange!  I immediately felt uncomfortable when I entered the home.  It’s hard to explain, but I guess I felt a tightness in my throat and an anxious feeling in my Solar Plexus that would not go away. It was almost like an adrenaline type feeling churning in my abdomen.

So when I laid down to go to sleep, I kept waking up because I felt like someone was here with me.  Every time I’d open my eyes, I wouldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, so I’d fall back asleep.  One of the times that I woke up, I decided to tune into the energy and try to see if I could figure out what I was feeling.  As I lay there focusing, I eventually began to feel my body get lighter (lifting sensation) and realized that I was having an out of body experience, but while still fully conscious.

For some reason, I just randomly said out loud  “Goddess, please show me”.  I have absolutely NO idea where that came from or what prompted me to say that! It was not even a thought in my mind before I said it, it just came out of my mouth!  There was a silence for about 5 seconds, and then all of a sudden it sounded like thousands of bees were buzzing all around me in surround sound. The chorus of bees completely took over my hearing and I was fully immersed in not only the sound, but also the vibration.  I just kept my eyes closed and let it happen.  It lasted for a short while.

Once the sound stopped, I had vision, without opening my eyes!  I could see the room even though my eyes were closed, it was so weird!  The room was grey with a soft lighter grey glow to it.  Then I started to see things flying around the room.  They looked like shadows swooping around near the ceiling and there were so many of them in the room with me.  They were moving so fast that I couldn’t make out what they were.

After a while, I got a little frustrated not being able to see what they were, so my natural reaction was to open my eyes. When I did that, I lost my ability to see them and was now fully awake. I heard the word “superhighway”, which I’m assuming was an explanation of why they were here (or how they got here).  I have no idea what they were but I’m guessing that I was seeing them through my 3rd eye while my actual eyes were still closed.

This morning when I woke up for the day, I decided to provide an exit for them to leave, if they should choose to do so.  I also said a prayer and claimed the space.  That seemed to work, because I don’t feel the anxious feeling anymore and I’m able to breathe freely without resistance.  I’m not sure if they’re completely gone, but I’m curious to see what happens tonight when I go to sleep again.


<>October 20, 2021<>

After the clearing of the home that I did yesterday, I also activated a Buddhic Column. At night when I went to sleep, I didn’t feel anything at all, no strange feelings, no strange noises, no presence in the home. I slept through the night without waking up. In fact, I got the most peaceful sleep that I’ve gotten in a very long time!


<>Energy Sensations<>

Energy flowing through the feet has greatly increased and the pulse has been extremely strong. It comes in waves of intensity and then will taper off a bit…but the sensation is always there.


A couple of weeks ago, I had an experience where I got super sleepy and had to lay down to rest. While I was resting, I went into that “in between” state where I’m kinda in a trance. I started to see and feel a beautiful blue-green colored energy flow into my body. It was so soothing and brought a feeling of peace and comfort. The color reminded me of the crystal blue water surrounding a tropical island. The colors were similar to the picture below, but the turquoise had more green in it and was much more brilliant.


A few days ago, I saw the “Reese’s peanut butter cup” shape again, but this time it was floating in the air for a while. I still have no idea what that is…

I’ve also been seeing a new pattern in my vision. It’s very slightly illuminated and just appears for a while and then it fades away. It looks similar to the picture below:


I went through a stage of hearing the word “Mapacho” and then started to smell a very pungent tobacco smell that nobody else could seem to smell. It was very uncomfortable for me because I don’t particularly like that smell. It happened everyday for about 2 weeks and then it stopped. I’m wondering if it was a shamanic experience?



Things are starting to change and I’m excited for my trip to New Mexico. I have no idea what to expect and I’m okay with not knowing what lies ahead. I just know that this is something that I need to do.

I have full faith that I’ll be exactly where I’m supposed to be.

Love ❤
